Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Is it a monkey?

Carter is absolutely enthralled with tree climbing and will attempt to climb anything he possibly can.  He has been known to climb the lamp post in our front yard.  He is actually pretty good at it, I just hope he manages to keep from breaking any bones!


Anonymous said...

Why yessss.... he does look like a monkey! Did I ever send you that pix from Liberty park when he was climbing up a tree? He really did a good impression that day! He must get this from Chris's side of the family.

Team Beardshall said...

You are pretty brave...I can only imagine how I am gonig to have a heart attack if my kids do anything like that!!! The funny thing is that I was pretty much just like Carter when I was little...I dont know how my mom handled it!!!

The Hardy's said...

What a great climber! How high is he up in that tree? I think I would be the panicky mom worrying about broken bones. Good thing Chris can patch him up.