Sunday, August 23, 2009


So I don't really have an excuse for my absence. I guess I would rather look at other peoples blogs instead of blogging about my own life. Not that I am not enjoying my life. I am also horrible at taking pictures. I think my sisters and sisters in law have way more pictures of my family than I do. We have had a short summer this year. We are on year round school so the kids were only out of school for three weeks before they had to go back. Unfortunately they went back for three weeks and are currently off for another three weeks. We really haven't been doing anything out of the ordinary this summer. We have spent a lot of time at the pool and playing outside. We spent a week in Park City with the Beardshall family. Our big vacation is coming up in a few weeks, with the Olson family. We are spending a week in Hawaii. We have enjoyed many barbeques and trips to the park. We spent a day at lagoon last week, which the kids really enjoyed. I must admit that I am still very much a fan of roller coasters and fun rides! I miss the summer we lived in Farmington and had a season pass to Lagoon. We have even camped out at Wheeler farm for our annual ward camp out. I know it sounds like a strange place for a camping trip, but we very much enjoyed it. So there you have it. We are all doing well and enjoying the summer. So here are a few random pictures from the summer!!!!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think I have more pictures of your family than you do.... ha ha, just kidding. How was your birthday?

The Hardy's said...

Yay a new post! Looks like you've had some fun even with a short summer. Have a great time in Hawaii--I wish I could come! :)

Team Beardshall said...

Yeah!! I love the post! Glad you had a great summer, I am jealous that you are going to Hawaii without me. I have a ton of pics from the summer I can email you!